
Whistleblowing Policy

If you wish to submit a whistleblower complaint under the applicable Greek and EU whistleblower protection legislation in order to report violations of the EU law observed in your work related activities, you may address your complaint via email,  on an eponymous or anonymous basis, to the Thenamaris Whistleblowing Officer at the following email address:
All complaints shall be treated seriously and with utmost confidentiality and integrity, while the interests of all parties involved shall be also taken into account. The Whistleblowing Officer is also available for informal guidance to an individual in doubt with regards to issues related to the type of complaints that can be made through this channel of communication, the investigation procedure, the confidentiality obligations of the parties involved in the investigation process as well as the protection of the whistleblower and the reported person. Should such guidance be desired, the Whistleblowing Officer can be contacted at the address mentioned above.