Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Integral to our mission

Thenamaris is responsible for providing its employees with a working environment that is safe and healthy. At the same time, each member of the company is also individually responsible for working in a safe and healthy manner.

The actions of all Thenamaris employees, both onboard and ashore, are guided by the following principles:

  • Accidents and injuries are almost always preventable.
  • Each individual has personal responsibility for his or her own safety, as well as for the safety of others.
  • No business objective is so important that it requires the sacrifice of safety standards.
  • A job is considered well done only if it is safely done.
  • Safety procedures must always be followed.

Thenamaris is responsible for providing its employees with a working environment that is safe and healthy. At the same time, each member of the company is also individually responsible for working in a safe and healthy manner.


Loss Time Injury Frequency (LTIF)

Number of incidents

A preventive, proactive approach to risks and hazards

Our philosophy towards Health & Safety is that any decision made, or any action taken, by a shore-based professional or seafarer must aim to be preventive and proactive rather than reactive. Accidents, incidents, and near misses can be eliminated and/or mitigated by carefully assessing and evaluating potential risks and hazards that may jeopardize Health & Safety. To this end, we have created a formal risk assessment mechanism that applies internal controls to the company’s activities so as to decrease the probability of mishaps, mishandlings and errors. In 2007, Thenamaris was awarded the OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Certification by Det Norske Veritas, an accreditation which officially recognizes the company’s high standards on Health & Safety.

We strongly believe that successful Health & Safety management is an integral part of the company’s mission, and is crucial for the company’s future sustainability.

We strongly believe that successful Health & Safety management is an integral part of the company’s mission, and is crucial for the company’s future sustainability.