Efficient and comprehensive commercial services, with offices in Athens and Singapore


High quality commercial services, including chartering, insurance, and vessel sale and purchase

The Thenamaris, Thenamaris ConBulk and Thenamaris LNG chartering teams comprise experienced and highly-skilled in-house brokers based in Athens as well as in Thenamaris Singapore, our commercial office in the Far East, who market the managed vessels, identify and assess employment opportunities, negotiate and conclude fixtures.

Chartering decision-making is supported by leading-edge business intelligence systems. Vessels are chartered to major energy companies and commodity traders around the world, both on the spot market and on period charters.

The insurance services offered ensure appropriate cover for Hull & Machinery as well as for Protection & Indemnity for all vessels under Thenamaris, Thenamaris ConBulk and Thenamaris LNG management. Rigorous market research takes place to ensure the insurance cover meets the needs of the fleets’ commercial trading patterns.

We also offer the services of a team of sale and purchase experts for our principals.

When trading vessels, we comply with all applicable sanctions administered by the following authorities: the European Union and its Member states, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the United Nations as implemented by countries’ domestic legislation.