
Notice on the Processing of Personal Data

By submitting your details, you acknowledge that Thenamaris with telephone details: +30 210 8909000, e-mail: (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), in its capacity as data controller, collects and processes your personal data for recruitment purposes under the terms and conditions set out in this Notice on the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as “Notice”).

1. Introduction

The Company is committed to protecting privacy by maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the personal data that applicants submit when seeking a job with the Company.

This Notice describes how the Company treats personal data that applicants submit during the recruiting and hiring process for the purposes of screening, deciding whether an applicant will be hired or not and also internal reporting.

Personal data, including identification and contact details, educational and professional background, as well as any other information that you voluntarily submit through the Career portal and the online application form is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Greek Law 4624/2019. By submitting the application form and your Curriculum Vitae (CV), you declare that you have understood that your personal data will be processed for the sole purpose of the evaluation of your qualifications and skills regarding currently open positions and/or any other future job vacancy within the Company, for which you may be deemed suitable.

2. Access to Personal Data

The personal data are processed by the Human Resources department and other internal stakeholders and/or other external partners of the Company who may be authorized by the Company to perform this task. Access to your personal data may also be granted to other service providers of the Company, such as IT service providers who are responsible for ensuring the security of the Company’s IT systems and are bound by strict confidentiality obligations.

3. Lawfulness of Processing (Legal Bases)

The processing of your personal data is justified on the basis of your job application and it is necessary on the basis of the Company’s legitimate interest to make informed choices on the selection of its employees and also prior to deciding whether or not an employment contract will be signed with you.

4. Personal Data Processing

For transparency and personal data privacy reasons, only applications made through the Career Portal will be considered. Any other applications received via emails sent directly to the corporate mailboxes, or physical paper applications or applications received through any other source and format, will not be processed but will be deleted along with the relevant personal data. In the aforementioned cases, upon receipt of the information the Company will contact you in order to inform you regarding the specific procedure and urge you to properly submit your application via the Career Portal so as to allow us to keep your personal data and application. Following the communication, all your personal data will be deleted.

You can monitor the status of your application, update the provided personal data as well as withdraw your application at any time if you are no longer interested in the current opening, by contacting us at Alternatively, you can create on the Smart Recruiters website (i.e. the Company’s current third-party recruiting software), a Smart Recruiters Candidate Profile (“Profile”). It is explicitly declared that the creation of a Profile is in no way a prerequisite for a job application with the Company and its creation has absolutely no positive nor negative effect to the treatment of your application. Smart Recruiters is solely responsible for your Profile should you wish to create one.

If you withdraw your specific application, you will no longer be considered as an active candidate for that specific opening; still, you will be considered for other career opportunities that may suit your qualifications and career interests until the completion of the personal data retention period (please see below), unless you decide to delete your overall application by sending a relevant request to or decide to delete your Smart Profile in case you have created one.

In case your CV or any other information of yours has been referred and submitted via a Company’s employee, note that the specific employee has been explicitly asked to confirm to the Company that you are aware that your personal data (i.e. first name, last name, email, your relationship to the referee and possibly your resume) will be shared with the Company. Upon receipt of your data via the employee who references you, the Company and specifically a member of the HR department, is responsible for contacting you via email in order to ask for your proper and full application, refer you to this Notice and invite you to confirm within thirty (30) days your interest in us retaining your personal data. Otherwise, your personal data and possible application collected will be permanently deleted. The data of the referred individuals will be deleted and will not be used by the HR department if the referred individuals do not complete the above-mentioned procedure.

5. Personal Data Retention Period

Your personal data shall be retained for a period of two (2) years from the day that your position-specific application is rejected or marked as withdrawn. In the event of a general application, the personal data is deleted after (2) years from submission. For candidates who’ve applied to multiple jobs from time to time, with each application the retention period will be renewed. After the two (2) year period of the latest application’s rejection or withdrawal, all personal data will be anonymized and/or deleted, without any prior warning, and the Company and/or any other external partners of the Company will no longer have access to them.

If, on the other hand, your application is successful and you proceed to hiring, then your personal data will not be deleted but processed in accordance with the Company’s Personal Data Protection Policy for the employees (you will receive a relevant copy upon hiring).

The Company may retain data for longer than the above-mentioned period, if the Company is obliged by applicable laws to retain it. Whatsoever, your personal data will not be used for any other purposes and their processing will fully comply with this Notice.

The applicants’ personal data are stored in electronic systems and physical files at Amazon Web Services in Europe (Frankfurt) where the servers of the Company’s current third-party recruiting software are located. In case the Company transfers the applicants’ personal data in countries outside the EU/EEA, including the sharing of personal data with third-party service providers, it will ensure that the country in which the personal data are transferred ensures an adequate level of data protection or that there are other appropriate or suitable safeguards in place to protect the personal data of the applicants, including the conclusion of the standard contractual clauses.

6. Applicants’ Rights Over Their Data

Subject to the applicable legislation, you have the right to access and update or request the correction or update of the submitted data, as appropriate. Under conditions laid down by applicable laws, you also have the right to object to the processing or request the erasure of your personal data, as well as the right to receive the data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.

In the event of placing such a request, the Company, before proceeding with the requested action, retains the right to request from you information confirming your identity. Action will be performed as soon as possible and you will be informed accordingly, definitely within one (1) month since your request was communicated to the Company. That period may be extended by two (2) further months where necessary, considering the complexity and number of the requests. The Company shall inform the data subject of any such extension within one (1) month of receipt of the request, together with the reasons for the delay.

You can exercise your data protection rights mentioned above at any time by sending an e-mail to the Company’s data protection designated  e-mail address: or to the Company’s Human Resources department at or by logging into your SmartRecruiters’ Candidate Profile, should you wish to create one. Further details regarding the Company’s personal data collection and processing are available at the following link:

If you consider that the Company violates the applicable data protection laws when processing your personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (

Last Update: March 2021