Supporting our people, the environment, and the societies around us


The Thenamaris approach to sustainability embraces our people and daily business practices, the environment, our external collaborators and the societies in which we operate.

We are committed to providing a healthy, safe and fair working environment for our employees, and to investing in their personal development and professional advancement.

Our day-to-day business practices focus on constantly improving our top-line results while creating cost efficiencies so as to safeguard the future of the companies.

Thenamaris, Thenamaris ConBulk and Thenamaris LNG comply with all national and international rules and regulations for the protection of the environment. Our technical teams work relentlessly to identify and implement innovative ways to reduce fuel consumption and minimize CO2 emissions.

In collaborating with external partners around the globe, we apply very strict criteria to help ensure ethical business practices. We are also committed to developing long-term relationships with local businesses, and helping them grow with us.

We have voluntarily chosen to publish an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report because we are undertaking numerous actions in each of these important areas and wish to inform our stakeholders accordingly.

Health & Safety

Integral to our mission

Thenamaris is responsible for providing its employees with a working environment that is safe and healthy. At the same time, each member of the company is also individually responsible for working in a safe and healthy manner.


Leading the way in environmental practices

Protecting the environment is fundamental for Thenamaris, and the company has worked uncompromisingly over many years to achieve world-class environmental credentials.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Socially responsible in everything we do

Social responsibility is embedded in every aspect of our business. In every area where we operate, we strive to respect local communities and contribute to their development.

Business Relationships

A global network of outstanding business partners

Each and every day our teams ashore and onboard collaborate with external stakeholders across the globe. We carefully select our business partners based on their ethos, rigor, transparent business practices and long-term focus.

Energy Management

Pioneering revolutionary energy-saving technologies and initiatives

Thenamaris has taken the lead in the ship management industry by adopting groundbreaking technologies and rigorously pursuing initiatives that can dramatically increase fuel efficiency.

Business Systems

Adopting state-of-the-art business systems

Thenamaris is at the forefront of adopting new systems to improve the management and performance of its ships under management in all three of its management companies.